Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae


Laura Lee Bolton, Ph.D., President, BoltonSCI, LLC

15 Franklyn Place, Metuchen, NJ  08840

Tel: 732-548-0344  E:




1962-1966                                                            B.A. Psychology - University of Illinois, Minor:  Mathematics


1967-1968                                                            M.S. Psychology (Memory) - Stanford University

1970-1975                                                            Ph.D. Psychobiology - Rutgers University


Professional Development Courses:

1977                                                                       Managerial Skills - Rutgers University

1979                                                                       Mechanisms of Growth Control - SUNY at Syracuse

1980                                                                       Immunochemistry & Immunobiology - Ctr Professional Advancement, North Brunswick NJ

      CME Courses, Univ. Med. Dentistry NJ:

1983                                                                                       Chronic Wound & Therapy

1985                                                                                       Pressure Sores

1986                                                                                       Current Test Methods, Clinical Therapies

1987-present                                                     CME/CEU Lecturer

1990                                                                       Good Clinical Practices: Center  Professional Advancement

1991                                                                       Leadership for Excellence, Darden Executive Programs, University of Virginia

1992                                                                       Managing Business Performance , Carnegie Mellon Executive Programs, Pittsburgh, PA

1995 How to Conduct a Cochrane Systematic Review, San Antonio, TX Cochrane Center

1995-2019                                                            Earned > 24 hours CME credit annually (Wound care)

2009                                                                      Cochrane: Systematic Reviews in Guideline Development, Baltimore, MD


University Appointments:

1967-1968                                              Research Asst. Memory and Learning Theory, Psychology Dept., Stanford University

1970                                                         Teaching Asst. Mammalian Physioloy, Department of Psychiatry, UMDNJ

1972-1973                                              Instructor Psychological Statistics, Douglas College, Rutgers University, UMDNJ

1981-1989                                              Adjunct Assistant Professor Bioengineering Section, Dept. of Surgery, Rutgers University, UMDNJ

1990-present     Robert Wood Johnson-Rutgers Univ. Medical School, Dept, of Surgery, Adjunct Assoc. Professor

2000-2002            Lecturer: La Salle University Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing Education Program: Wound Healing


Industrial Experience:

1969-1970                            Child Welfare League of America:    Research Assistant

1973-1986                            Johnson & Johnson Products, Inc.

1973-1974                                           Assistant Scientist

1974-1976                                            Scientist

1976-1982                                            Senior Scientist, Project Team Leader

1982-1986                                           Principal Scientist, Project Team Leader

1987-2006                            ConvaTec - A Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (retired, 2006)

1987-1991                                            Manager, Wound Care Res. & Dev., led team developing DuoDERM® CGF® dressings

1991-1992                                            Director, Wound Care Research & Development

1992-1995                                            Director, Scientific Affairs / Global Business Development

1995-2001                                            Director, Scientific Affairs / Global Strategic Marketing

2001-2003                                            Director, Scientific Affairs /Global Medical Affairs

2003-2006                                            Director, Scientific Affairs & Clinical Communications

2006-present                     BoltonSCI, L. L. C              President

2007-2015                            Derma Sciences, Inc.  Chief Scientific Advisor

2009-2015                            Systagenix, Member, Medical Advisory Board


Professional Societies:

1975-1977                                            Association of Advancement of Medical Instrumentation

1976-1983                                            American Society of Zoologists

1984-1995                                            Surgical Infection Society Membership Committee

1985-2001                                            Inflammation Research Association

1988-2005                                            New York Academy of Science

1988-2005                                            Society for Investigative Dermatology 

1989-2002                                            Academy of Surgical Research

1994-2001                                            National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel

1995-present                                     Wound Healing Society (Board member 2008-2010)

1997-present                                     Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC)

2000-2008                            Member Board of Directors

2002-2006                            Co-chair Regulatory& Government Task Force

2007-2017                          Co-chair Guideline Task Force, now International Consolidated  Guideline Task Force

2010-2016                            Global Alliance-Health Volunteers Oversees Steering Committee.

2001-2010                                            Amer. Prof. Wound Care Assn. (Fellow)

2010-2015 World Health Organization authorized World Alliance of Wound & Lymphoedema Care (WAWLC)



Honors and Awards:

1966-1967                  Fulbright Scholar to Belgium

1966                             Woodrow Wilson fellow (declined to accept Fulbright)

1966                             Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Lambda Delta

1978-1999                  Sigma Xi - President of J&J Chapter, 1985, 1986

1980-present           American Men and Women of Science

1995-present           Who's Who In Science and Engineering

1996                           Space Dermatology Foundation Award for research on wound healing in space

Sep 21, 2001       Sharon Baronoski Founder's Award Clin Symp  Adv Skin & Wound Care

April 25, 2003      AAWC Distinguished Member Award, Co-chair Gov. & Reg. Task Force

October, 2004     Advances in Skin & Wound Care, Distinguished Journal Reviewer Award.

June 13, 2005     Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing 2005 Research Manuscript Award

April 20, 2007      RADM Faye G. Abdellah Publication Award for Nursing Research  with  DL Bernato (received by AAWC G&R Task Force for Venous Ulcer Guideline)

April 7, 2011       Award of Merit, Chemical Marketing & Economics,  American Chemical. Society

April 16, 2011     John Boswick Memorial Award, Symposium on Advances in Wound Care

Sep 10, 2011      Advances in Skin & Wound Care, Distinguished Journal Reviewer Award.

Oct 24, 2014       University of Illinois, LAS Alumni Achievement Award

May 1, 2015       AAWC Leadership Award


Graduate Student Advisor or Mentor:

1986 Judy Vanderstar, "Effect of electrical stimulation on bacterial sterilization", Ph.D., Rutgers University - UMDNJ - Rutgers Medical School Joint Program in Bioengineering

1987  Christine Bolecek-Skaggs, "Effect of electrical stimulation on soft tissue repair", M.S. Rutgers University - UMDNJ - Rutgers Medical School Joint Program in Bioengineering.

1990    Barbara Bates-Jensen, “Assessment Tool for Pressure Ulcers”, Ph.D. UCLA School of Nursing. PhD. Candidate

2002-6  Allison Smitten, “Burden of Wound Care” Harvard University Business School, Ph.D. Candidate.

2011   Christina E Roberts, “Exploratory Analysis of Venous Wound Ulcer Prognostic Measures” Drexel University Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, MPH

2013   Linda Benskin, “Discovering the Current Wound Management Practices of Rural Africans: a  Pilot Study, University of Texas (Galveston) School of Nursing Ph.D. Dissertation Committee


Selected Volunteer Appointments

1995-2005 Reviewer, Journal of Investigative Dermatology

1995-2000 Corporate Rep., National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel--Co-founded NPUAP Research Foundation

1998-2002 Abstract Reviewer: Symposium for Advanced Wound Care

2000-Present Editor, WOUNDS Outcomes Research Section; Dept Editor: Evidence Corner

2000-Present Editorial Advisory Board WOUNDS

2000-2008 Board Member, Assoc. for Advancement of Wound Care

2000-2002 Abstract Reviewer: American Diabetic Association

2001   Co-Chair Biotechnology Section, TechTrends

2002-2004  Editorial Board, Women’s Dermatology Society Newsletter

2004-2005                                                            National Institutes of Health Grant Reviewer

2004-Present                                                     Editorial Board Advances in Skin and Wound Care

2006-2008 Editorial Board SkinMed

2007-2018   Science Fair Judge, Edgar Middle School, Metuchen, NJ

2007-Present                                                     Participant, World Health Organization Working Group on Integration of Wound-Lymphedema Management across Diseases in Resource-Poor Settings, Program Dev. Group.

2008-2011                                                            Board Member, Wound Healing Society

2008-Present                                                     Reviewer, Wound Repair and Regeneration

2008-Present                                                     Editorial Board Ostomy/Wound Management, now Wound Management and Prevention

2009-2018 Member, Cochrane Wounds Group  

2010-2018                                                            Expert Reference Group, Joanna Briggs Institute                                               

2011-2016 Key Informant, Comparative Effectiveness of Treatments for Chronic Wounds, AHRQ- Sponsored Systematic Review of Chronic Wound Treatment Research to Identify Wound Care Best Practices by the Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center.

2015  Reviewer  Upgrading Clinical Research in Venous Ulcers, Johns Hopkins Center for Evidence-Based Health Care

2017-2019 Reviewer NIH/NIDDK Grant Applications.


Publications: Peer-Reviewed

  1. Renner, K.E. and Specht, L.L.  The relative desirability or aversiveness of immediate and delayed food shock.  J Exp Psychol 1967;75:586-570.
  2. Cattell, R.B. and Bolton, L.L.  What pathological dimensions lie beyond the normal dimensions of the MMPI and 16PF factor domains?  J Cons Clinical Psychol 1969;33:18-29.
  3. Bower, G.H. and Bolton, L.L.  Why are rhymes easy to learn?  J Exp Psychol 1969;82:453-462.
  4. Bolton, L.L., Bullard, R., Squibb, R.L., Pierotti, R., Collier, G.H.  Effects of prior and current activity and deprivation on body composition.  Proceedings:  Eastern Psychological Association Convention, New York, April 1971.
  5. Bolton, L.L., Squibb, R.L., Collier, G.H.  Lysine deficiency and voluntary exercise in the albino rat.  J Nutrition 1979;109:1313-1320.
  6. Bolton, L.L., Foleno, B., Means, B., Petrucelli, S.  Direct current bactericidal effect of intact skin.  Antimicrobial Agents Chemother 1980;18:137-141.
  7. Bolton, L.L., Constantine, B.E., Rovee, D.T.  The kinetics or ornithine decarboxylase activity as a function of wounding in guinea pig ear epidermis.  J Inv Dermatol 1981;76:480-483.
  8. Bolton, L.L.  TENS electrodes irritation.  J Amer Acad Dermatol 1983;8:134.
  9. Constantine, B.E., Bolton, L.L.  A wound model for ischemic ulcers in guinea pig.  Arch Dermatol Res 1986;278:429-431.
  10. Bolton, L.L. (1) Dressing affects on healing (2) Debridement.  Nursing '89, Consult.  November 1989.
  11. Bolton, L.L., Pirone, L.A.  Letter to Editor:  Effects of dressings on return of barrier function to transepidermal water loss in standardized human wounds.  J Amer Acad Dermatol 1990.
  12. Bolton, L.L., Pirone, L., Chen, J., Lydon, M.  Dressings' effects on wound healing.  Wounds July/August 1990;2(4): 126-134.
  13. Pirone, L.A., Monte, K.A., Shannon, R.J., Bolton, L.L.  Wound healing under occlusion and non-occlusion in partial-thickness and full-thickness wounds in swine.  Wounds 1990;2:74-78.
  14. Bolton, L.L., van Rijswijk, L.  Wound Dressings:  Meeting clinical and biological needs.  Dermatol Nurs 1990; 2(3): 146-161 (Continuing Education Feature).
  15. Bolton, L.L., Johnson, C.L., van Rijswijk, L.  Occlusive dressings:  Therapeutic agents and effects on drug delivery.  Clinics Dermatol 1992;9:573-583.
  16. Pirone, L.A., Bolton, L.L., Monte, K.A., Shannon, R.J.  Effect of Calcium Alginate Dressings on Partial-Thickness Wounds in Swine.  J Invest Surg 1992;5:149-153.
  17. Bolton, L.L., Montagna, W.  Mast cells in human ulcers.  Amer J Dermatol 1993;15(2):133-138.
  18. Bolton, L.  Article on enzymatic debridement inspires literature seach of controlled studies.  Letter to the editor, Ostomy/Wound Management 1993; 39(6):6,8, passim.
  19. Hermans, M.H.E., Bolton, L.L.  Air exposure versus occlusion:  merits and disadvantages of different dressings.  J Wound Care, November 1993;2(6):362-365.
  20. Smith, D.J., Thompson, P.D., Bolton, L.L., Hutchinson, J.J.  Microbiology and healing of the occluded skin-graft donor site.  Plast Reconstr Surg 1993;91:1-4.
  21. Bolton, L., Fattu, A.J.  Topical Agents and Wound Healing.  Clinics in Dermatology 1994;12:95-120.
  22. Bolton, Laura.  Clinical studies and product evaluations: How to maximize their value.  Ostomy/Wound Management 1995;41(7A)Suppl:88S-96S.
  23. Bolton L.  Hydrocolloid dressings clarified. Dermatol Nurs 1995; 7(5):294.
  24. Tur, Ethel, Bolton, Laura, Constantine, Barry E.  Topical hydrogen peroxide treatment of ischemic ulcers in the guinea pig: Blood recruitment in multiple skin sites.  Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1995;33:217-221.
  25. Bolton LL. Kudos to authors at the community leg ulcer clinic in London. Ostomy/Wound Management, 1996; 43(6):6-7.
  26. Bolton LL, van Rijswijk L.  Cost effective wound care.  CAET Journal, 1996; 18(1):23-25.
  27. Hermans, M.H.E., Bolton, L.L.  The Influence of Dressings on the Costs of Wound Treatment.  Dermatology Nursing 1996;8(2):93-100.
  28. Cevera, J.J. Bolton, L.L., Kerstein M.D.  Options for diabetic patients with chronic heel ulcers.  Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications, November,1997;11:358-366.
  29. Boulton, A.J.M, Knowles, A., Laing, P., Jones, R., Hunt, A., Bolton, L., Eberhardt, D., Westwood, B.   A hydrocolloid dressing in wound care in diabetic patients.  Advances in Wound Care 1997;10(2):10-12.
  30. Bolton L., van Rijswijk L., Shaffer, F.  Quality wound care equals cost effective wound care: a clinical model.   Nursing Management, 1996: 27(7):30, 32033,37.  Also published in Advances in Wound Care, 1997: 10(4):33-38.
  31. Bolton L, Zaki, G.  Monte, K, Durham, S., Monticello T., Hudak, J., Shannon, R., Wilfinger W. Tissue Repair in Space. Wounds July, 1997; 9(4):127-142.
  32. Morris, DE., Wu, L., Zhao, LL,Bolton, LL, Roth, SI, Ladin, DA,, Mustoe, TA.  Acute and chronic animal models for excessive dermal scarring: quantitative studies.  Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, September, 1997; 100(3): 674-681.
  33. Bolton, L. Believe it or net.  Letter to the editor, Ostomy/Wound Management, 1997; 44(9): 1.
  34. Lyon R, Veith FJ, Bolton L, Machado F, and the Venous Ulcer Study Group  Clinical benchmark for healing of chronic venous ulcers.  Amer J Surg, 1998; 176:172-175.
  35. Bolton, LL, Monte K, Pirone LA.  Moisture and healing:  Beyond the jargon.  Ostomy Wound Management  2000; 46 (Suppl 1A): 51S-64S.
  36. Hermans MHE, Bolton LL, Establishing a skin integrity program. Remington Report, 2001; 9(6) Suppl. 1:6-8
  37. McGuckin M, Goldman R, Bolton L, Salcido R. The clinical relevance of microbiology in acute and chronic wounds. Adv. Skin Wound Care 2003; 16(1):12-23; CME Quiz: 24-25.
  38. Bolton L, McNees P.  Wound healing outcomes using standardized care. J WOCN 2003; 30(3): S24. (Abstract selected for presentation Merit Award Recipient)
  39. Bolton L.  Healing acute and chronic wounds.  Hospital Management International April, 2003: 175-176.
  40. Bolton L, McNees P, van Rijswijk L et al. Wound healing outcomes using standardized care JWOCN 2004; 31(3):65-71. (Received 2005 JWOCN Award for Best Research Article)
  41. Bolton L. Introduction (Guest Editor for May issue dedicated to "Outcomes in Wound Management") Wounds, 2004;  May 2004; 15.
  42. Hermans MHE, Bolton LL. Clinical Consultation: How do we manage critically colonized wounds?  Rehabilitation Nursing 2004; 29(6):187-194.
  43. Smitten A, Bolton L. Burden of pressure ulcer care. In Ayello E. Research Forum. Advances in Skin & Wound Care  2005;  18(4):192-193.
  44. Bolton L. Modern wound dressings: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Expert Nurse 2005, 12(15):116-119.
  45. Bolton LL. What is…Evidence-based medicine?  Advances in Skin & Wound Care,2005;18(3):126.
  46. Parish LC, Bolton LL. Evidence-based dermatology and wound healing: Let’s get real SkinMed: Dermatology for the Clinician 2006; 5(1):6-7.
  47. Bolton LL, Corbett L, Bernato DL, Dotson P, LaRaus S, Merkle D, Patterson G, Phillips T, McNees P, Porter Riedesel P, Sheehan P and the AAWC Government and Regulatory Task Force. Development of a content-validated venous ulcer guideline. Ostomy/Wound Management 2006; 52(11):32-48.
  48. Bolton L. Introduction (Guest Editor for October issue dedicated to "Outcomes in Wound Management") Wounds, 2007; 19(10).
  49. Bolton LL. Evidence-based Report Card: Are silver products safe and effective for chronic wound management. JWOCN 2006; 33(5): 469-477.
  50. Bolton LL. Evidence-based Report Card: Operational definition of moist wound healing. JWOCN 2007; 34(1):23-29.
  51. Parish LC, Bolton L. Wound infection: facts to face. SkinMed. 2007;6(2):53-4.
  52. Bolton LL. Evidence-based Report Card:  Which pressure ulcer risk assessment scales are valid for use in the clinical setting?  JWOCN 2007; 34(4):368-381.
  53. Bolton LL. Evidence-based Report Card:  Venous ulcer compression JWOCN  2008;35(1):40-9.
  54. Bolton LL. Expanding the rationale for occlusion? Adv Skin Wound Care. 2008;21(1):13
  55. Bolton LL, Girolami S, Slayton S, Berger TM, Foster L, Whittington KT, Merkle D and the Association for the Advancement of Wound Care Guideline Department. Assessing the need for developing a comprehensive content-validated pressure ulcer guideline.  Ostomy Wound Management 2008; 54(11):22-30.
  56. Bolton L. Healing wounds in long-term care. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2009;55(4):5. Comment on  Ostomy Wound Manage. 2009;55(1):32-7.
  57. Bolton LL. Clinical Efficacy: Knowing What Works, Wound Rep Reg 2010; 18 A34. (Abstract)
  58. Bolton LL. Wound Infection. Chapter 7 in J. Macdonald, M. Geyer (Eds.) Wound and Lymphedema Management. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010, pp 85-93.
  59. Bolton LL. Pressure Ulcers. Chapter 8 in J. Macdonald, M. Geyer (Eds.) Wound and Lymphedema Management. World Health Organization, Geneva,  Switzerland, 2010, pp 95-101.
  60. Bolton LL. Venous Ulcers. Chapter 9 in J. Macdonald, M. Geyer (Eds.) Wound and Lymphedema Management. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010, pp 103-107.
  61. Bolton L. Introduction (Guest Editor for issue of WOUNDS dedicated to "Outcomes in Wound Management in Settings with Limited Resources"), WOUNDS, 2010;22(3):52-54.
  62. Bolton LL, Macdonald J, Geyer MJ. Global efforts address wounds and lymphedema. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2010;56(5):6.
  63. Bolton LL, Girolami S, Slayton S, Berger T., Whittington K., Merkle D.,  Tamir J. Research and education opportunities from a content-validated pressure ulcer guideline. JWOCN 2010; 37(3S):S85. (Abstract)
  64. Bolton L. Improving wound and lymphoedema outcomes in low-resource settings. Journal of Lymphoedema  2010; 5(2):100-102.
  65. Bolton LL. Clinical Efficacy: Knowing What Works JWOCN 2011; 38(3S):S83-S84 (Abstract)
  66.  Bolton LL. Clinical Perspective on Wound Care Efficacy Studies and Interpretation. Advances in Wound Care Wound Healing Society Yearbook, Volume 2, Chapter 38. Pages 230-235. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Philadelphia, PA, USA.  2011.
  67. Bolton LL. Update on Standards of Wound Care. Advances in Wound Care Wound Healing Society Yearbook, Volume 2, Chapter 38. Pages 241-245. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Philadelphia, PA, USA.  2011.
  68. Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC). Guideline of pressure ulcer guidelines. Malvern (PA): Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC); 2010. 14 p. Published as Guideline # 8120 on the AHRQ National Guideline Clearinghouse ( August, 2011.
  69. Black J, Girolami S, Woodbury G, Hill M, Contreras-Ruiz J, Whitney JD, Bolton L. Understanding pressure ulcer research and education needs: a comparison of the Association for the Advancement of Wound Care Pressure Ulcer Guideline evidence levels and content validity scores. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2011;57(11):22-35.
  70. Rodgers K, Verco S, Bolton L, Dizerega G. Accelerated healing of diabetic wounds by NorLeu(3)-angiotensin (1-7). Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2011;20(11):1575-81.  
  71. Bolton LL. Guest Editorial, Global wound outcomes. WOUNDS 2012;24(1):1-2.
  72. Bolton LL. Benchmarking chronic wound healing outcomes. WOUNDS 2012;24(1):18-24.
  73. Balingit PP, Armstrong DG, Reyzelman AM, Bolton L, Verco SJ, Rodgers KE, Nigh KA, Dizerega GS. NorLeu(3) -A(1-7) stimulation of diabetic foot ulcer healing: Results of a randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 clinical trial. Wound Repair Regen. 2012;20(4):482-90.
  74. Bolton LL, Baine WB. Using science to advance wound care practice: lessons from the literature. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2012;58(9):16-31.
  75. Morton LM, Bolton LL, Corbett LQ, Girolami S, Phillips TJ. An evaluation of the association for the advancement of wound care venous ulcer guideline and recommendations for further research. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2013;26(12):553-61.
  76. Bolton LL, Girolami S, Hurlow J. Wound Wise:  The AAWC Pressure Ulcer Guidelines. Amer. J. Nursing, 2013; 113(9):58-63.
  77. Bolton LL, Girolami S, CorbettL, van Rijswijk. The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC) Venous and Pressure ulcer Guidelines. Ostomy/Wound Management 2014;60(11):42-81.
  78. Hurlow J, Couch K, Laforet K, Bolton L, Metcalf D, Bowler P. Clinical Biofilms: A Challenging Frontier in Wound Care. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2015 May 1;4(5):295-301.
  79. Rodgers KE, Bolton LL, Verco S, diZerega GS. NorLeu(3)-Angiotensin (1-7) [DSC127] as a Therapy for the Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2015 1;4(6):339-345.
  80. Beitz JM, Bolton LL. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses - literature-based recommendations for evaluating strengths, weaknesses, and clinical value. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2015; 61(11):26-42.
  81. Bolton LL. Quality Randomized Clinical Trials of Topical Diabetic Foot Ulcer Healing Agents. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2016;5(3):137-147.
  82. Couch KS, Corbett L, Gould L, Girolami S, Bolton L. The International Consolidated Venous Ulcer Guideline Update 2015: Process Improvement, Evidence Analysis, and Future Goals. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2017;63(5):42-46.
  83. Driver VR, Gould LJ, Dotson P, Gibbons GW, Li WW, Ennis WJ, Kirsner RS, Eaglstein WH, Bolton LL, Carter MJ. Identification and content validation of wound therapy clinical endpoints relevant to clinical practice and patient values for FDA approval. Part 1. Survey of the wound care community. Wound Repair Regen.2017;25(3):454-465.  
  84. Zakhary SA, Davey C, Bari R, Bean J,Reber T,; Gallagher K, Couch K, Hurlow J, Laforet K, McIsaac C, Napier K, Vilar-Compte D, Zakhary E, Hermans M, MD; Bolton L. The development and content validation of a multidisciplinary, evidence-based wound infection prevention and treatment guideline. Ostomy/Wound Manage. 2017;63(11):18-29.
  85. Donohue CM, Adler JV, Bolton LL. Peripheral arterial disease screening and diagnostic practice: A scoping review. Int Wound J. 2020 Feb;17(1):32-44.
  86. Driver VR, Gould LJ, Dotson P, Allen LL, Carter MJ, Bolton LL. Evidence supporting wound care end points relevant to clinical practice and patients' lives. Part 2. Literature survey. Wound Repair Regen. 2019 Jan;27(1):80-89.
  87. Bolton LL. Advertisement concerns. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2013 Oct;59(10):7.
  88. Bolton L. Burn Debridement: Are We Optimizing Outcomes? Wounds. 2019 Dec;31(12):298-300.


  1. Bolton L. Preventing Fall Injury. Wounds. 2019 Oct;31(10):269-271.
  2. Donohue CM, Adler JV, Bolton LL. Peripheral arterial disease screening and diagnostic practice: A scoping review. Int Wound J. 2020 Feb;17(1):32-44.
  3. Bolton L. Donohue CM, Weingarten MS. Peripheral arterial disease: Scoping review of patient-centred  outcomes. Int Wound J. 2019 Dec;16(6):1521-1532.
  4. McIsaac C, Bolton LL. Reliability and feasibility of registered nurses conducting web-based surgical site infection surveillance in the community: A prospective cohort study. Int Wound J.  2020;17:1750–1763.
    1. Bolton LL, Faller N, Kirsner RS. Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Patient-Centered Wound Outcomes: A Literature Review. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2021 May 1;34(5):239-248.

Publications:  Non-Peer-Reviewed

1         Bolton, L.L., Collier, G.H., Squibb, R.L.  Dietary components affecting activity.  Proceedings:  Eastern Psychological Association Convention, New York, April 1972.

2         Bolton, L.L.  The behavioral and biochemical effects of lysine deficiency on active and inactive rats.  Proceedings:  Eastern Psychological Association Convention, Philadelphia, April 1974.

3         Bolton, L.L.  Effects of bioelectric fields on regenerating systems.  Invited panel discussant, American Society of Zoologists Convention, Montreal, December 1977.

4         Bolton, L.L., Foleno, B., Means, B.  The effects of direct current stimulation on microorganisms in repairing wounds.  Proceedings:  First Annual Bioelectric Repair and Growth Society, Philadelphia, November, 1981.

5         Bolton, L.L.  The bioelectrochemical effects of direct current on soft tissue.  Invited address, Philadelphia Section, the Electrochemical Society, September 29, 1982.

6         Bolton, L.L., Oleniacz, W., Constantine, B., Kelliher, B.O., Jensen, D., Means, B., Rovee, D.  Repair and antibacterial effects of topical antiseptic agents.  In H. Maibach & N. Lowe (Eds) Models in Dermatology, Vol. 2, Karger, Basel, 1985, pp.145-158.

7         Bolton, L.L., Constantine, B.  Partial-thickness wound models in small animals.  In H. Maibach and N. Lowe (Eds) Models in Dermatology, Vol. 3, Karger, Basel, 1986, pp.190-195.

8         Bolton, L.L., Pines, E, Rovee, D.T.  Wound Healing and Integumentary System.  Experimental Surgery and Physiology:  Induced Animals Models of Human Disease, Swindle, M. Michael/Adams, Roberg, J.  1988:1-9.

9         Tur, E., Bolton, L.L.  Follow-up of the healing process of ischemic ulcers in the guinea pig.  Proceedings 13th National Scientific Convention of the Israel Dermatologic Society.  Haifa, Israel, October 19-21, 1988.

10     Bolton, L., Chen, J., Lydon, M.  Occlusive dressings:  Expanding Role in Wound Healing-Poster Session:  Advanced Wound Healing Symposium.  Health Management Publications, April 23, 1989, New Orleans, LA.

11     Mulder, G, Bolton L, Lydon M. Resolution of pericapillary fibrin in venous leg ulcers treated with hydrocolloid dressing.  Poster.  Symposium for Advanced Wound & Skin Care, 1992.

12     Bolton, L.  Wound healing.  Invited Chapter section on Wound Healing for Textbook on Dermatologic Surgery, Ron Moy (ed), 1995.

  1. Bolton, L.L., Pirone, L. A., Monte, K.A., Shannon, R.J.  Swine donor site healing as a function of dressing moisture barrier (MVTR).  Proceedings:  Wound Healing Society, San Diego, CA, April 1994.
  2. Bolton, L., Zaki, G., Monte, K., Shockley, J., Shannon, R., Durham, S., Monticello, T., Fattu, A.J., Wilfinger, W.  Spaceflight and Environment Effects on Incision Repair on Rats.  Poster:  Presented at the Gordon Conference on Wound Healing, New Hampshire, July 1995.
  3. Bolton, L., Zaki, G., Monte, K., Shockley, J., Shannon, R., Durham, S., Monticello, T., Fattu, A.J., Wilfinger, W.  Spaceflight and Environment Effects on Incision Repair on Rats.  Poster:  Presented at the American Academy of Dermatology, New Orleans, February 1995. Won 1995 Space Dermatology Foundation Award.
  4. Shannon RJ, Bolton LL, Cilento R, Zaki G.  Topical retinoic acid and ischemic ulcer prevention in a hairless guinea pig animal model.  Poster Presented at the American Academy of Dermatology, New Orleans, February 1995.
  5. Bolton, L.L., Johnson, C.L., Fattu, A.J.  Topical Medications and Pharmacological Agents in Wound Healing.  In Prem Gogia (ed) Clinical Wound Management, 1995:SLACK, Inc., Thorofare, NJ, pp.55-72.
  6. Allen, R.B., Friedman, P.S., Pryce, C.F.H., Kerstein, M., Klassen, H.J., Lawrence, J.C., Monafo, W., Smith, D., Stanley, J., Thomson, P., Swartz, W.  Twomey, J., Vloemans, A.F.J.M., Hutchinson, J., Hermans, M., Bolton, L.  Prospective Study of Clinical Infections in Wounds Dressed With Hydrocolloid Versus Conventional Dressings.  Poster.
  7. Bolton, L., Pirone, L., Monte, K., Hancock, A., van Rijswisjk, L.   Occlusion and Wound Healing.  Poster.  Proceedings, Society of Investigative Dermatology, Washington, D.C., May 4, 1996.
  8. Bolton, L.L., van Rijswijk, L..  Cost Effective Wound Care.  Monograph:  Wound Care: A Clinical Update.  Kerstein, M., ed.  May 1996.  (CME credit sponsored by Medical College of Pennsylvania/Hahnemann University).
  9. Bolton, L.L., van Rijswijk, L.  Occlusive dressings.  The Decubitus Ulcer in Clinical Practice, Springer, September,1997.  L.C. Parish, J.A. Witkowski, J.T. Chrissey (Eds.).  Chapter 13. Pages 131-144.
  10. Roma, A., Bolton L, McNally A.  Controlled clinical evaluations vs case studies: Why wound care professionals need to know the difference.  In D. Krasner , D. Kane (Eds) Chronic Wound Care, Second Edition, Wayne, PA, Health Management Publications, Inc., December, 1997; pp 373-382.
  11. Bolton L, Vasko A, Monte K.  Quantification of wound healing. Chapter 17 in Doris Schwindt & Howard Maibach (Eds.)  Cutaneous Biometrics,  Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2000, pp 205-219.
  12. Roma-Moore A, Bolton L, McNally A.  Controlled clinical evaluations vs. case studies:  Why wound care professionals need to know the difference.  Chapter 7 in: Krasner DL, Rodeheaver GT, Sibbald RG (Eds.) Chronic Wound Care: A Clinical Source Book for Healthcare Professionals. Third Edition.  HMP Communications, Wayne, Pennsylvania, 2001, pp 51-61.
  13. NPUAP. Pressure Ulcers in America:  Prevalence, Incidence and Implications for the Future.  April 1, 2001. Acknowledged contributor.
  14. Evidence Corner Department Editor for the peer-reviewed journal Wounds August 2002-Present. 2-page Peer Reviewed Section summarizing state of the art randomized controlled trial evidence on modalities or techniques in wound care:

-         August, 2002: Outcomes from growth factors, gauze, hydrocolloid dressings

-         September, 2002: Appropriate treatment for pressure ulcers

-         November, 2002: Compression bandaging for venous insufficiency ulcers.

-         January, 2003: Wound measurement

-         March, 2003: Wound pain management

-         May, 2003: Debridement of diabetic foot ulcers

-         July, 2003: Scar alleviation

-         September, 2003: Predicting healing

-         November, 2003: Post-operative and rehabilitative nutrition

-         January, 2004: Hyperbaric oxygen and healing

-         March 2004: Laser stimulation

-         May 2004: Surgical Infection diagnosis & prediction

-         July 2004: Exudate: matrix metallo-proteases

-         September 2004: Sensitization

-         November 2004: Spinal Cord Injury

-         January 2005: Silver dressings

-         March 2005: Negative pressure therapy

-         May 2005: Tubular compression for venous ulcers

-         July 2005: Surgical and sharp debridement

-         September 2005: Radiant heat therapy

-         November 2005: Team approach to wound management

-         January 2006: Effect of psychological stress on wound healing

-         March 2006: Effect of exercise on wound healing

-         May 2006: Infection control in burn patients

-         July 2006: Preventing surgical infections

-         September, 2006: Maggots for debridement

-         November, 2006: Ultrasound in wound care

-         February, 2007: Venous ulcer dressings

-         April, 2007: Diabetic foot ulcer treatment

-         June, 2007: Pressure ulcer risk assessment

-         August, 2007: Swab or biopsy to diagnose infection.

-         October, 2007: Wound closure techniques

-         December, 2007: Burn patient nutrition

-         February 2008: Negative pressure wound therapy

-         April, 2008: Wound cleansing

-         June, 2008: Closure techniques

-         August, 2008: Critical limb ischemia

-         October, 2008: Foam dressings: Are we there yet?

-         December, 2008: Topical honey and wounds

-         February, 2009: Preventing surgical site infections

-         April, 2009: Wound debridement

-         June 2009: Intermittent pneumatic compression

-         August 2009: Support surfaces to prevent pressure ulcers

-         October 2009: Documentation predicts chronic wound healing

-         December 2009: Burn depth predicts healing time

-         February 2010: Moist wound healing alternatives

-         March 2010: Optimizing acute wound outcomes

-         May 2010: Predicting chronic wound healing time

-         July 2010:  Alleviating Wound Pain

-         Sep 2010: Gentamicin-Collagen sponge

-         Nov 2010: Nutrition modulating immune system

-         Jan 2011: Reducing blood loss during or after surgery with tranexamic acid

-         Mar 2011: Reducing complications after coronary artery  bypass surgery

-         May 2011: Silver update in chronic wounds

-         July 2011:   Preventing Surgical Site Infections

-         August 2011: Danger : Fluid  Within!

-         October 2011: Do Teams Work?

-         December 2011: Self care

-         January 2012:  Split thickness Skin Graft interventions that work

-         April 2012: Treating Challenging Scars

-         July 2012: Stem Cells for Critical Limb Ischemia

-         September 2012: Biologic Skin Substitutes for Foot Ulcers

-         October 2012: Chronic Wound Danger Signals

-         December 2012: Healing Arterial Ulcers

-         February 2013: Healing Common Cold Sores

-         April 2013: Perioperative Antibiotics

-         June 2013: Treating Bone and Joint Infections

-         August 2013: Platelets on burns and donor sites

-         October 2013: Pressure ulcer Treatment

-         December 2013: Burns-topical treatment

-         February 2014: Surgical options for gastric cancer

-         April 2014 Venous ulcer healing & risk factors for delayed healin

-         June 2014: +2 months for all publication Radiation dermatitis

-         August 2014: What  nutrients heal difficult wounds

-         October 2014: Ultrasound effects on chronic wound healing

-         December 2014: Temperature of wound or skin diagnosis

-         Patient-centered Issues Affect Surgical Outcomes. Wounds. 2016;28(12):459-461.

-          Controversy Surrounding Wound-edge Protectors. Wounds. 2016 Aug;28(8):295-7.

-          Evidence-based Care for Malignant Wounds. Wounds.2016;28(6):214-6.

-          Diagnosing Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis. Wounds.2017;29(2):62-64.

-         Exploring Social Isolation of Leg Ulcer Patients. Wounds. 2017;29(4):122-124.

-         Limiting Amputation. Wounds. 2017;29(6):187-189.

-         Nutrition Affects Chronic Wound Outcomes. Wounds.2017;29(10):324-326.

-         Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty: Improving Infection Risk. Wounds. 2017;29(9):286-288.

27     Bolton LL. Chapter 4. Moist wound healing from past to present. In D Rovee, H Maibach (Eds.) The Epidermis in Wound Healing Dermatology: Clinical & Basic Science Series. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2004, pp 89-101.

28     Bolton LL. Letter to Editor responding to query about July 2006 Evidence Corner on clipping versus shaving to prevent infections. Wounds 2006; 18(10):A19.

29     Bolton LL, Dotson P, Kerstein M. Controlled clinical trials versus case studies: Why wound care professionals need to know the difference. Chapter 7 in: Krasner DL, Rodeheaver GT, Sibbald RG,eds. Chronic Wound Care: A Clinical Source Book for Healthcare Professionals. 4th  Edition Malvern, PA, HMP Communications, 2007, pp 57-66.

30     Bolton LL. Leg ulcers and honey: A review of recent controlled trials. Chapter 10, pp 139-152 in Rose Cooper, Peter Molan and Richard White (Eds.). Honey in modern wound management. 2009.   Wounds UK Ltd, Suite 3.1, 36 Upperkirkgate, Aberdeen AB10 1BA, United Kingdom.

31     Tur E, Bolton LL. Skin healing.  Chapter 45 in Andre O. Barel,Marc Paye, Howard I. Maibach (Editors) Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA 2014, Pp 477-486.

32     Lehman LF, Geyer MJ, Bolton LL. Ten steps: A guide for health promotion and empowerment of people affected by neglected tropical diseases.The  American Leprosy Missions, July, 2015,  Greenville, SC. PDF accessible at

33     Bolton L. Evidence Corner: Taking Itch Seriously. Wounds. 2018 Jan;30(1):27-28.

34     Bolton L. Telemedicine Improves Chronic Ulcer Outcomes. Wounds. 2019 Apr;31(4):114-116.

35     Bolton L. Effect of Stem Cells on the Lower Limb. Wounds. 2018 Sep;30(9):279-281.

36     Bolton L. Chlorhexidine Patient Bathing Prior to Arthroplasty. Wounds. 2018 Jul;30(7):213-215.

37     Bolton L. Herpes Zoster (Shingles). Wounds. 2018 May;30(5):144-146.

38     Bolton L. Evidence Corner: Evidence-based Care for Malignant Wounds. Wounds. 2016 Jun;28(6):214-6. PMID: 27377612.

39     Bolton L. Exercise and Chronic Wound Healing. Wounds. 2019 Feb;31(2):65-67. PMID: 30694211.

40     Bolton L. Managing Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Wounds. 2018 Dec;30(12):380-381. PMID: 30507549.

41     Bolton L. Preventing Peritoneal Dialysis Infections. Wounds. 2019 Jun;31(6):163-165. PMID: 31215869.

42     Bolton L. Preventing Fall Injury. Wounds. 2019 Oct;31(10):269-271. PMID: 31730506.

43     Bolton L. Evidence Corner: Taking Itch Seriously. Wounds. 2018 Jan;30(1):27-28. PMID: 29406294.

44     Bolton L. Acute Radiation Therapy-related Dermatitis. Wounds. 2020 Feb;32(2):66-68. PMID: 32155122.

45     Bolton L. Evidence Corner: Improving Outcomes of Colorectal Surgery. Wounds. 2015 Oct;27(10):279-81. PMID: 26479212.

46     Bolton L. Evidence Corner: Controversy Surrounding Wound-edge Protectors. Wounds. 2016 Aug;28(8):295-7. PMID: 27560473.

47      Bolton L. Burn Debridement: Are We Optimizing Outcomes? Wounds. 2019 Dec;31(12):298-300. PMID: 31833838.

48     Bolton L. Evidence Corner: Patient-centered Issues Affect Surgical Outcomes. Wounds. 2016 Dec;28(12):459-461.  PMID: 28054927.

49     Bolton L. Evidence Corner: Dressings Can Prevent Pressure Injury. Wounds.2016 Oct;28(10):376-378. PMID: 27768576.

50      Bolton L. Evidence Corner: Which Dog Bite Wounds to Close and When? Wounds.2016 Apr;28(4):142-4. PMID: 27529891.

51     Bolton LL. Wound Phototherapy. Wounds. 2020 Sep;32(9):262-264. PMID:33166263.

52     Bolton L. Evidence Corner:Pressure Ulcer Risk Scales. Wounds. 2007Jun;19(6):A16-23. PMID: 26110327.

53      Bolton L. Remote Wound Care. Wounds. 2020 Dec;32(12):350-352. PMID:33472161.

54     Bolton L. Topical Burn Wound Management. Wounds. 2019 Aug;31(8):219-221.PMID: 31356177.

55     Bolton L. Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Improve Lower Extremity Ulcer Outcomes? Wounds. 2020 Oct;32(10):291-293. PMID: 33370247.

56      Bolton L. Evidence links nicotine use to surgical site infections. Wounds. 2015 Feb;27(2):41-3. PMID: 25785906.

57      Bolton L. Can Skin Cells Improve Outcomes for Patients With Deep Burns? Wounds. 2020 Jun;32(6):174-177. PMID: 32804661.

58     Bolton L. Psychological Methods of Managing Surgical Pain. Wounds. 2021 Feb;33(2):57-59. PMID: 33591929.


Continuing Education Lecture and Poster Topics

  1. Controversies in topical wound management: "Current Concepts on Tissue Trauma Therapy". New York, Woodhull Memorial Hospital, April 1994
  2. Advances in Wound Healing using Moisture-Retentive Dressings.Nursing Rounds Saratoga, NY, Aug. 1994
  3. Pathophysiology of wound healing and basic wound care: Grand Rounds, North Carolina Academy of Physicians Assistants.  October, 1994.
  4. Bolton LL, Zaki G, Monte K, Shockley J, Shannon R, durham S, Monticello T, Fattu AJ, Wilfinger W. Spaceflight and environmental effects on incision repair on rats.  Proceedings 53rd Annual American Academy of Dermatology Conference, New Orleans, LA February 4-9, 1995.
  5. TLC for Leg Ulcers.  Nursing Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic, March 1995.
  6. Clinical studies and product evaluations:  How to maximize their value. First Short Hills Symposium, Short Hills, NJ, April 1995.
  7. Wound Management: Updating the Science of Healing. Dermatology Grand Rounds, Stanford University, October, 1994.
  8. Measuring outcomes in wound management.  Clinical Symposium on Wound Management, September 1995. (Also Canadian Association of Wound Care, 1996; Western Canadian Association of Wound Care,May,14, 1998; Advanced Wound Care , San Jose, Costa Rica, July 20-24, 1998)
  9. Cost-effective wound management with predictable outcomes. Advances in Wound Care Visiting Nurse Service of New York, Brooklyn, NY, June, 1996. (Also  Advanced Wound Care , San Jose, Costa Rica, July 20-24, 1998)
  10. Cost effectiveness in wound management. 7th Annual Dermatology Teaching Day for Nursing Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, Sept. 18, 1996.
  11. State of the art of wound healing: Science or Fiction?  Advances in Wound Therapy for the 21st Century:Continuing Education Symposium, Virginia Beach, VA,  November 7, 1997
  12. Wound Healing--The Changing Market Place. New Technologies, Regulatory Requirements and Reimbursement Strategies. IBC, San Diego, CA, December 15-16, 1997.
  13. Hydrocolloid Dressings in Diabetic Ulcer Care.  Canadian Association of Wound Care, 1997; Western Canadian Association of Wound Care, Winnipeg, May 15, 1998.
  14. Moist Wound Healing: Striving for the Optimial Milieu. American Diabetic Association, Chicago, June 13, 1998.
  15. Moist Wound Healing-March 10, 1999,Grand Rounds, RedBank Medical Center
  16. Cost Effectiveness of Modern Wound Care with the Diabetic Patient—May 8, 1999, Grand Rounds, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
  17. Moist Wound Healing—Sept. 24, 1998, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, Terrytown, NY
  18. Wound Healing Physiology—Oct 6, 1998, LaSalle University WOCNEP
  19. Don’t just cover it, heal it—May 27, 1999, Grand Rounds, Dept of Surgery, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, also May 28, Burnaby, BC, Canada
  20. Wound care management based on objectives of care—May 26, 1999, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  21. Optimizing wound care outcomes—September 16, 1999, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  22. Writing your results—CE Lecture: Clinical Symposium on Wound Management October 8, 1999
  23. Evidence-based wound care outcomes—October 16-19, 1999, Edmonton, Alberta; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Vancouver, British Columbia
  24. Wound and skin care management by objectives—October 24, 1999, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
  25. Animal models of wound care—CE Lecture:  Symposium for Advanced Wound Care, April 8, 2000.
  26. Pressure ulcer prevention and care.  July 6, 2000, San Jose, Costa Rica.
  27. Moist wound healing. July 6, 2000, Grand Rounds, San Jose, Costa Rica.
  28. Diabetic foot ulcer diagnosis and care. July 7, 2000, Grand Rounds, San Jose, Costa Rica.
  29. Cost Effective Wound Care, Sept 29, 2000,  Maritime Provinces Wound Care Symposium, St. Johns, Newfoundland
  30. Physiology of wound healing: Factors promoting and hindering wound healing. October 9, 2000, Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Education Program, La Salle University Graduate School of Nursing.
  31. Moist wound healing, October 31,2000, Friendship Hospital, Beijing, China
  32. Physiology of wound healing, November 6, 2000, LaSalle Graduate School of Nursing, Philadelphia, PA
  33. Science of Moist Wound Healing, Burn/Trauma Unit Grand Rounds, Friendship Hospital, October 27, 2000, Xi'an, China.
  34. Cosmetic aspects of the occlusive dressing, November 10, 2000, International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatologists, Rio de Janiero, Brazil.
  35. Biometrics and cosmetic dermatology, November 11, 2000, International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatologists, Rio de Janiero, Brazil.
  36. Cost Effective Wound Management, June 13, 2001, The Greater New York Hospital Assn. Supply chain Services Clinical Update Series (Approved for CEU).
  37. Role of Moist Wound Healing in Chronic Wounds, August 16,2001, Cedar Lane Rehabilitation Center, Waterbury, CT (Grand Rounds)
  38. New Technologies: Truth and Myth about Outcomes, Nov. 8, 2001, CEU: Southwest WOCN
  39. Keynote Address: Synergy in Academia and Industry, December 14, 2001, CME Lecture for Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York University Post Graduate Medical School, St. Thomas--US Virgin Islands
  40. Wound Care and Industry, CME: First Annual Amer. Prof. Wound Care Assn., St. Mary Medical Center, April 12, 2002,  Langhorne, PA
  41. Science of Wound Healing, CEU: NYU Medical Center , May 30, 2002, New York, NY.
  42. Integrating Wound Care Research Into Clinical Practice and May the Force be With You: Physical stimuli for wounds. CEU/CME Aug 16, 2002, Cleveland Clinic Symposium, Cleveland, OH.
  43. Wound Healing: Biology, Evidence & Outcomes Surgical Grand Rounds: UMDNJ, New Brunswick, NJ October 2, 2002.
  44. Making Cost Effectiveness work for you and your patients.  CME: American Professional Wound Care Association 2nd Annual National Symposium, “Wound Care and the Related Sciences” Hilton Philadelphia  Airport Hotel, March 27-29, 2003.
  45. Addressing The Wound Care Environment CEU: Massachusetts General Hospital Annual “Skin and Wound Care Update” May 23, 2003.
  46. Wound Healing Outcomes Using Standardized Care CEU: 35th Ann. WOCN, Cincinnatti, OH Convention Center, June 16, 2003.
  47. Research: Adventure with a Purpose Keynote Address: University of Pennsylvania Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Third Annual Research Day, June 25, 2003.
  48. Attacking the Icon: The Great Debate on Evidence-Based Medicine, 7th Annual Wound Care Congress, San Antonio, Texas, October 4, 2003.
  49. Wound Dressings. Staten Island University Hospital Wound Management Update, December 8, 2003.
  50. Bolton L, McNees P, van Rijswijk L et al.  Wound outcomes using standardized care. Proceedings 32nd Annual WOCN Conference, June 8-12, 2004.
  51. Bolton L. Evidence-based wound care. 8th Annual Wound Care Congress October, 22, 2004, San Antonio, TX.
  52. Bolton L. Cost effective Wound Care. 3rd Annual American Professional Wound Care Association, April 1,2005; Philadelphia, PA.
  53. Smitten A, Simon T, Bolton L. The burden of pressure ulcer care: A real-world outcomes study. Proceedings, Symposium for Advances in Wound Care, April 21-24, 2005, San Diego, CA.
  54. Bolton L. Evidence-based practice for managing pressure ulcers. Grand Rounds: August 23, 2005, Kyoto University Medical School and Japan Society for Pressure Ulcers. (Keynote Address) August 27, 2005, Yokohama, Japan.
  55. Bolton L. Publishing your research. August 24, 2005, Tokyo University Graduate School of Nursing. August 24, 2005, Tokyo, Japan.
  56. Bolton L. Modern wound dressings: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Japan Society for Pressure Ulcers August 27, 2005, Yokohama, Japan.
  57. Bolton L. The science of local wound care. Japan Society for Pressure Ulcers,  August 27, 2005, also Samsung Hospital Grand Rounds, August 31, 2005, Seoul Korea.
  58. Bolton L. Chronic wounds: The clinical difference. Grand rounds, Tan Tock Seng Hospital. August 31, 2005, Seoul, Korea.
  59. Bolton L. Advances in wound management. Grand Rounds: Korea University, College of Medicine, September 1, 2005, Seoul, Korea; also Asan Medical Center & University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, September 4, 2005, Singapore.
  60. Bolton L.L. Of mice and men. Continuing Education Lecture, Proceedings Symposium for Advanced Wound Care, April 29, 2006; San Antonio, TX.
  61. Bolton LL, Dotson P. (Moderators) Public Policy Forum. Proceedings Symposium for Advanced Wound Care May 2, 2006, San Antonio, TX.
  62.  Bolton L.L. Pay for performance. Proceedings Wound Healing Society, Phoenix, AZ, May 12, 2006.
  63.  Bolton L, Hyland D, McNees N. Quality of life with an ostomy: Historic perspective.  World Council of Enterostomal Therapists, July 3, 2006, Hong Kong
  64.  Bolton L.L. Burden of pressure ulcer care. World Council of Enterostomal Therapists, July 4, 2006, Hong Kong
  65.  Bolton L. Local wound management for nurses. Shanghai, China, July 11, 2006.
  66.  Bolton LL. Pay for performance. CE Proceedings American Professional Wound Care Society April 19, 2007, Philadelphia, PA.
  67.  Bolton LL. Interpreting preclinical literature. Proceedings Symposium for Advanced Wound Care April 28, 2007, Tampa, FL.
  68.  Bolton L. Venous leg ulcers: evidence for care Proceedings Symposium for Advanced Wound Care April 29, 2007, Tampa, FL.
  69.  Bolton LL. Solutions Algorithms for Evidence-Based Wound Care Practice Symposium for Advanced Wound Care, April 30, 2007, Tampa, FL
  70.  Bolton LL, Dotson P. (Moderators) Public Policy Forum. Proceedings Symposium for Advanced Wound Care May 1, 2007, Tampa, FL.
  71. McClees N, Hyland D, Bolton LL. Quality of life with an ostomy: Historic perspective. WOCN 39th Annual Conference, June 9-13, 2007. JWOCN, 2007;34(3S):S72, Poster abstract 1444.
  72. Bolton LL. Hydrocolloid: Advanced wound management. Cho Ray Hospital, First Vietnam Hospital, Medical University Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, August 29, 30, 2007.
  73. Bolton LL. What & Why:  Moist Wound Healing. Cho Ray Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, August 29, 30, 2007
  74. Bolton LL. Evidence-based Wound Care. 4th Annual Singapore Wound Healing Society & First Asia-Pacific Wound Federation, Singapore, August 30-September 2, 2007.
  75. Bolton LL. Moist wound management. Chulalongkorn Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand, September 3, 2007 and Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand,  September 5, 2007.
  76. Bolton LL. Managing infected wounds. ET Nurses Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, September 4, 2007.
  77. 77.   Bolton LL. Developing and validating a venous ulcer guideline. Proceedings, Guideline International Network October 8, 2007, Toronto, Canada.
  78. Bolton LL., as a participant in the World Health Organization/AAWC/HVI  Working Group on Wound and Lymphoedema Management.  Evidence-based management of infected wounds, venous ulcers and pressure ulcers. Geneva, Switzerland, March 6, 2008.
  79. Bolton LL. AAWC-WHO-HI Wound Care Lymphoedema Program presented to  21st Annual Symposium for Advanced Wound Care, San Diego, California, April 24, 2008.
  80. 80.   Bolton LL. Do products affect wound outcomes when using standardized algorithms? Proceedings 21st Annual Symposium for Advanced Wound Care, San Diego, California, April 24, 2008. Poster IN004, page S98.  Also presented at Proceedings Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin & Wound Care, Las Vegas, NV, October 26-28, 2008, Poster #31, page 191.
  81. Bolton LL. Developing and validating a venous ulcer guideline. Proceedings World Union of Wound Healing Societies (Poster Abstract 1569). June 4-8, 2008, Toronto, Canada.
  82. Bolton LL. Do products affect wound outcomes when using standardized algorithms? Scientific and Clinical Abstracts 40th t Annual Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Conference, Orlando, Florida, June 21-25, 2008. JWOCN, 2008;35(3S):S76. Poster 2304.
  83. Bolton LL. Controversies in Wound Infection. Asociación Mexicana Para El Cuidado Integral Y Cicatrización De Heridas A.C., Merida, Mexico, September 20-23, 2008.
  84. Bolton LL. Why Wound and Ostomy Research is Important. Asociación Mexicana Para El Cuidado Integral Y Cicatrización De Heridas A.C., Merida, Mexico, September 20-23, 2008.
  85. Bolton LL. New Pressure Ulcer Classification. Asociación Mexicana Para El Cuidado Integral Y Cicatrización De Heridas A.C., Merida, Mexico, September 20-23, 2008.
  86. Bolton LL. Cases That Taught Me The Most. Asociación Mexicana Para El Cuidado Integral Y Cicatrización De Heridas A.C., Merida, Mexico, September 20-23, 2008.
  87.  Bolton LL. Pressure Ulcer Management.  National Account Consultants, Aetna Insurance Company, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, January 21, 2009.
  88. Bolton LL. Antimicrobial Strategies in Wound Management, 2 CME Lectures, Dubai Hospital, March 3, 2009, Tawam  Al MAFRAQ Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, March 4, 2009.
  89. Bolton LL. Implementing Evidence-Based Wound Care, CME Lecture, Tawam  Al MAFRAQ Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, March 4, 2009.
  90. Bolton LL.  Antimicrobial Strategies in Wound Management, CME Lecture,  Shiek Kalifa Medical City, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, March 5, 2009.
  91. Bolton LL. Importance of Evidence-Based Wound Management; Solutions® Evidence-based Algorithms,  CME Lecture, Riyadh Military Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, March 7, 2009.
  92. Bolton LL. Importance of Evidence-Based Wound Management; Solutions® Evidence-based Algorithms, CME Lecture,  King Abdulaziz Medical City National Guard Hospital, PostGraduate Training Center, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia March 8, 2009.
  93. Bolton LL, Girolami S, Slayton S, Berger T, Foster L, Whittington K, Merkle D. and the AAWC Guideline Department. Developing a comprehensive content validated pressure ulcer guideline.  Poster No. 18. Proceedings 11th National NPUAP Biennial Conference, Arlington, VA, February 27-28, 2009. Also presented as Poster No. IR-054 Proceedings 22nd Spring Symposium for Advanced Wound Care, Dallas, TX, April 26-29, 2009 and Fall SAWC (Washington, DC, September 16-18), WOCN Conference (St. Louis, MO, June 6-9, 2009) and Clinical Symposium for Wound and Skin Care (San Antonio, TX, October 22-24.
  94. Bolton LL. "The Global Alliance for Wound Care in Resource-Poor Settings" CME Lecture. APWCA2009 National Clinical Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 2, 2009, 6:15 PM
  95. Bolton LL. “Regeneration” Keynote address CME Lecture at  the III International Congress of the Mexican Association for Wound Care and Healing September 3 – 6, 2009 , Juriquilla, Querétaro, Mexico.
  96. Bolton LL. Evidence on the selection for topical therapy in the diabetic foot.  III International Congress of the Mexican Association for Wound Care and Healing September 3 – 6, 2009 , Juriquilla, Querétaro, Mexico.
  97. Bolton LL, Girolami S, Slayton S, Berger T, Foster L, Whittington K, Merkle D. Tamir, J. and the AAWC Guideline Department. Education and Research Opportunities from a Content-Validated Pressure Ulcer Guideline, Poster No. IR-003,Proceedings 23rd  Spring Symposium for Advanced Wound Care, April 17-20, 2010, Gaylord Palms Resort, Orlando, FL . Also at American Professional Wound Care Assn, Philadelphia, April 8-10, 2010, as  Poster 4576, Proceedings 2010 Joint WOCN-WCET Congress, Phoenix, AZ, June 12-16, 2010; Clinical Symposium for Wound & Skin Care, Gaylord Resort, Orlando, Florida, September 30-October 2, 2010; Poster # 54, Proceedings 12th National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Biennial Conference, Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, NV, February 25-26, 2011.
  98. Bolton LL. Pay for Performance Keynote Address CEU Lecture to Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse Pacific Coast Region Conference, Berkeley, CA,. February 19-21, 2010.
  99. Weir D, Schulz G, Sibbald G, Bolton LL,  Wound Scene Investigation  CE Lecture to Canadian Association of Enterostomal Therapists Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada,.May 26-30, 2010.
  100. Bolton LL. Pressure Ulcers: Recent American Experience in Prevention and Management. Canadian Association of Wound Care, Calgary TELUS Convention Centre, Calgary, AB, Canada, Nov 5, 2010.
  101. Bolton LL. Recognizing Good Research--Trinitas Hospital Residents/Students/Staff, Elizabeth, NJ,  Nov 3, 2010
  102. Bolton LL. Developing Guidelines—Trinitas Hospital Residents/Students/Staff, Elizabeth, NJ,  Nov 3, 2010
  103. Bolton LL. Evidence to Outcomes—Trinitas Hospital Pressure Ulcer Team, Elizabeth, NJ, Mar 16, 2011
  104.  Bolton LL. Science: Freedom to Advance Wound Care. Dr. John Boswick Memorial Lecture, Proceedings, Symposium for Advanced Wound Care, Gaylord Texan Conference Center, Dallas TX, April 16, 2011.
  105.  Bolton LL. Clinical Efficacy: Knowing What Works  Poster PT 5.07, Wound Healing Society Proceedings Wound Rep Regen, #168 , Mar-Apr, 2010. April 17-20, 2010,Gaylord Texan Conference Center, Dallas TX.  ; Also presented as Poster # 5427, Proceedings 43rd Annual Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Conference, June 4-8, 2011;New Orleans Conference Center, New Orleans, LA. ; Clinical Sumposium on Advances in Skin and Wound Care, Gaylord National Resort, Washington, DC, September 9-12, 2011.
  106. Bolton LL. Ennis W. Session 7. Translating Science into Practice: Top Research of 2010-2011. Fall Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, Rio Resort,  Las Vegas, Nevada, October 13, 2011.
  107. Bolton LL, Armstrong DG. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: Can Everyone be Wrong?  Session #43, 25th Annual Spring Symposium on Advanced Wound Care / Wound Healing Society. Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta GA, April 21, 2012.
  108. Roberts CE, Zakeri I, Bolton LL. Exploratory analysis of venous wound ulcer prognostic measures.  Informational / Educational Report IR-001, Poster Proceedings Symposium for Advanced Wound Care: Fall, Baltimore MD, September 12-14, 2012.
  109. Bolton LL,  Carville K, Watts R, Frances G, Haesler E, Jones M, Geyer MJ, Lehman L. Wound practice pearls that stretch budgets.  Poster IR-001, SAWC Fall, Baltimore MD, September 12-14, 2012 and Poster 131, Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin and Wound Care Las Vegas, NV, October 20-23, 2012.
  110.  Bolton LL, Guide to Guidelines: Evidence-Based Content-Validated Guidelines:  What Good are They? Symposium for Advanced Wound Care & Wound Healing Society, Session 7, May 2, 2013.
  111. Bolton LL, Girolami S, Corbett L. Publications improve wound care guideline quality and impact. Best Practices Poster Session, G-I-N 2013, San Francisco, California, August 19-21, 2013.
  112.  Bolton LL. Hottest Top 10 Topics of the Year, Presentation Proceedings: Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin & Wound Care, October 25, 2013,  Disney’s Contemporary Resort, Orlando, FL
  113.  Bolton LL (Moderator), Gray M, Armstrong D. Wound Prevention & Therapeutics: Formal Debate on Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT). Proceedings, Symposium for Advanced Wound Care / Wound Healing Society, Session 44, April 26, 2014, Gaylord Palms Resort, Orlando, FL
  114.  Bolton LL. Best papers of 2014. Proceedings, Symposium for Advanced Wound Care / Wound Healing Society, Session 31, May 1, 2015, Gonzales Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas
  115.  Bolton LL, Gironalmi SP. Guidelines: What’s New? Proceedings, Symposium for Advanced Wound Care / Wound Healing Society, Session 15, September 26, 2015, Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  116. Bolton LL (Moderator),  Attinger C, Carter M, Hettrick H, Marston W. Wound Prevention & Therapeutics: Update on Wound healing: The most important papers of the last year. Proceedings, Symposium for Advanced Wound Care / Wound Healing Society, Session 31, April 15, 2016, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta,Georgia.
  117. Bolton L, Girolami SP, Corbett LQ, Couch KS, Gould L, Bruton K.   Innovative Development of Unified Wound Care Guidelines Proceedings WOCN/CAET June 4-8, 2016, Congress Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Poster  I16-054.



  1. Bolton Laura L. Constantine Barry E.  Debriding tape.  US Patent 4,668,228, May 26, 1987.
  2. Bolton, L.L., Haddock, T., Constantine, B.  Absorbent Adhesive Dressing.  U.S. Patent 4,784,653.  November 15, 1988.
  3. Friedhoff, Lawrence T., Bolton, Laura L.  Use of thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist for the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for treating skin injuries.  European Patent 89116002.0 - August 3, 1989.
  4. Shannon RJ, Bolton LL. The use of retinoic acid to minimize skin damage. European Patent Specification EP-0448213, May 15, 1996.
  5. Cilento, Rudolfo D., Bolton, Laura L., Pirone, Louis A.  Method and Composition for Absorbing Wound Fluids, U.S. Patent 6,270,794, August 7, 2001.